Meet The Founder Of Audacious Nutrition!

Meet The Founder Of Audacious Nutrition!

Who Is Csilla Ari D’Agostino, Ph.D.?

With a multifaceted background in comparative neuroanatomy, molecular biology, and physiology, Dr. Ari D’ Agostino has authored close to a hundred peer-reviewed publications, a book, book chapters, along with several patents.

After the completion of her PhD in Hungary in 2008, Dr. Ari D’Agostino moved to the United States and joined the laboratory of the CEO of the Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute at the University of South Florida in 2010. Her work there involved studying the mislocalization of neurotransmitter and neurotrophin receptors in Alzheimer’s disease, utilizing techniques such as cell cultures, immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and advanced microscopy. Her expertise in fluorescence live cell imaging and gene transfection added significant value to the research.

In 2012, after receiving a SIPIN grant, Dr. Ari D’Agostino began a collaborative project with Dr. Dominic D’Agostino, focusing on the effects of hyperbaric oxygen on aging central nervous system viability, ROS production, and oxidative stress. She later joined Dr. D’Agostino’s lab as a postdoctoral scholar, leading a project testing metabolic therapies on an ALS transgenic mouse model. Her research extended to exploring the effects of ketone supplements on seizure disorders and cancer dietary interventions, which involved in vivo imaging of mice. By 2013, she became a Research Associate, independently leading projects on ketone supplements and discovering new applications that led to several patents.

Dr. Ari D’Agostino has developed national and international collaborations, contributing to research on atomic force microscopy (AFM), calcium imaging, histology, confocal microscopy and hyperbaric experiments. In 2017, she established her laboratory at the Department of Psychology at the University of South Florida, focusing on the behavioral effects of exogenous ketone supplements and their underlying mechanisms. That same year, she coordinated psychological and physiological studies on Aquanauts through NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO 22) and the Institute of Human and Machine Cognition, exploring the effects of living in an underwater saturation environment, which served as a space analog mission. In 2019 she was invited by NASA to become part of the NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO 23) where she spent 9 days living in an underwater habitat, training with astronauts while leading research projects on psychological and physiological changes in response to high stress extreme environments simulating space exploration. Her research focuses on extending human potential mentally and physically.

Dr. Ari D’Agostino’s passion extends to studying giant manta rays, investigating their neurobiology, sensory and cognitive abilities, social behavior, morphology, and physiology with evolutionary implications. Her discoveries, including the rapid coloration changes in manta rays, have been highlighted in prestigious publications like Nature magazine, and have earned her a Research Recognition Award from the American Physiological Society's Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology Section, which she presented a TedX Talk about. Her work allows her to approach scientific problems from an evolutionary perspective, contributing to a broader understanding of neurobiology and physiology.


Why Did Csilla Create Audacious Nutrition?

Csilla's goal and interest in creating the company Audacious Nutrition  stem from her deep-rooted passion for understanding and enhancing brain health and function. As a neuroscientist and Research Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida, Csilla has dedicated over a decade to studying metabolic therapies, specifically optimizing ketone molecules for various applications.

Her extensive research and discoveries in the field of ketones, which resulted in numerous scientific publications and multiple patents, highlighted the significant benefits of the beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) molecule on health and performance at the cellular and molecular levels.

Driven by her conviction in the efficacy of these molecules, Csilla, found a gap in the market for potent, premium quality ketone supplements that don`t cause unpleasant side effects and are good tasting. Csilla decided to embark on the challenging and audacious journey of creating the ideal ketone supplements. Her goal was to develop formulations that eliminated the negative aspects of existing products while delivering a high dose of BHB in a great-tasting form.

The launch of the KetoStart exogenous ketone supplement product line on July 3rd, 2021, marked the culmination of Csilla's vision and hard work. The overwhelmingly positive feedback from users who previously had negative experiences with other ketone supplements reaffirmed her commitment to providing high-quality, life-changing products, marking just the beginning of Audacious Nutrition's impact. The unique and groundbreaking KetoSpike product line followed in 2023 which provides even more opportunity for people to deliver high quality BHB ketones combined either with instant coffee or instant tea.

Ketospike Instant coffee and tea with BHB ketones are decaffeinated, no sugar, no crush, no jitters. Pure energy from BHB ketones.


Why We Love Audacious Nutrition's Ketone Products

Audacious Nutrition's Ketone Salt products are formulated with a high-dose (10grams) of BHB ketones that contain both D-BHB and L-BHB. If you read our blog about exogenous ketone supplements, then you already know that most ketone salt supplements use just the D form of BHB (D-BHB). And while the D form of BHB can be good alone, the L form is important for cell signaling, provides anti-inflammatory effects, and is an epigenetic regulator.

When it comes to how these two BHB molecules are metabolized, the D form is turned over into ketones more quickly than the L form, but the L form can help to sustain the longevity of ketosis as it is metabolized more slowly and stays in the blood longer.

The result here is that you will get a quick boost in ketones from D-BHB, which will be sustained by L-BHB. Audacious Nutrition's formulation of L and D-BHB plus electrolytes is far more tolerable on the stomach than other ketone salt formulations on the market.

Having experimented with virtually every exogenous ketone product on the market, we can honestly say that Audacious Nutrition's products taste the best, bring about the most consistent state of sustained energy and are the most pleasant on the digestive system.


Why Does Audacious Nutrition Add Electrolytes To Their Formulations?

The Audacious Nutrition products have a balanced mix of 4 electrolytes, magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium, so basically you get 2 products in one: a high-quality ketone supplement and an electrolyte supplement. Being in dietary ketosis requires extra electrolytes for a variety of reasons:

  • Decreased insulin levels: Lower carbohydrate intake leads to decreased insulin levels. Insulin helps the kidneys to retain sodium, and when insulin levels drop, the kidneys excrete more sodium.
  • Increased Urine Production: As the body shifts from burning carbs to fats for energy, there is an increased production of ketones. Ketones are excreted through urine, leading to increased urination, and therefore a loss of electrolytes.
  • Reduction of glycogen stores: Each gram of glycogen is stored with about three grams of water. Depleting the body’s stores of glycogen causes the body to excrete water along with sodium and electrolytes.

Hydration is more than just water intake. Minerals, especially sodium in this case, are paramount for ensuring a smooth journey into ketosis. 

Because of her extensive knowledge of ketosis and ketone supplements, Csilla was able to create effective, long lasting, and great tasting exogenous ketone salt powder products, that are gentle on the stomach, and a pleasure to drink! If you would like to try all 4 products, the best option is to get an Audacious sample pack. If you would like to learn more about Csilla, check out her website here, or check out Audacious Nutrition!


Csilla at the NASA Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory at the Johnson Space Center, Houston TX after passing the tests needed to become part of the NEEMO mission.


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